Capturing the wonder
Just when we thought we had got over the worst of it, we now hit a second wave of the pandemic. But life goes on, and at our Fotkaplus Edinburgh studios business is booming, and none more so than our newborn baby and maternity photoshoots.
Just to let you know, we ensure that our studio is exceptionally safe for everybody, including all our clients and staff. We adhere to all the government recommended precautions and more. We can understand why some people might be concerned about bringing their babies in for a photoshoot, but rest assured, we keep them as safe as houses.
So, why would you want professional photographs of your baby? After all, most of us have a smartphone with a decent enough camera, so why not save a few pounds and take your own pictures? You can post them on social media too.
Firstly, as we say elsewhere, there is nothing as long-lasting as baby photographs that people will pass down from generation to generation. The few first days and weeks of a baby’s life are some of the most beautiful times of all. Our professional portrait photographers have truly mastered the art of newborn photography and are expert in capturing that extraordinary miraculous something that every new baby possesses. Our professional photographers know how to create images that will take your breath away.
There really is no comparison with anything you can capture on a camera phone, even if it’s the best camera phone going - which is probably a toss-up between the iPhone 11 Pro and the Galaxy S20 Ultra. Even those impressive gadgets don’t in anywhere compare with what we achieve at a professional baby studio photoshoot.
Do you ever indulge in Mumsnet? It can be a font of wisdom. A little while ago an expectant mother posted “I am debating whether or not to get a professional newborn photoshoot done. They are so cute, and baby will only be a newborn once. Is it worth it?”
The response was overwhelmingly in favour. Some of the replies were:
“It was definitely worth it.”
“Babies change so quickly, so it is important to capture that moment.”
“The photos were lovely, and it was really special.”
“A professional makes it quicker, calmer and more beautiful.”
People who hadn’t done so wish that they had. And one post that we totally endorse said: “Just avoid the big commercial photoshoot companies! Go for a recommended independent photographer !”. That is good advice; we certainly agree.
All our clients are special to us, and we are proud of the quality and artistry of our photographs.
The OP got back thanking all for their responses and saying that she is “definitely going to go for a professional baby photoshoot”.
We recommend that you include yourself in some of the shots too. Mother and baby shots are also timeless, and you will look back at them with pride and wonder in the years to come. Also, you don’t have to wait until your baby is born. Our maternity photoshoot package is also exceptional. Just look as some of the shots we have posted on this website.
You must agree that they are fantastic. Why not capture your pregnancy too?
Remember, our studio is a safe, calm environment where your baby will be kept secure and cared for. Don’t let this virus put you off and cause you to miss that special time in your baby’s life. We love baby photoshoot sessions; there is something exceptional about them. We are sure that you will love then too.